Monday, January 7, 2013

The Amazing Rain Forest

The rain forest is an incredible place. It holds many FASCINATING creatures and many cool facts.
The rain forest is very very green. The tropical rain forest our full of life, including plants and animals. You might be wondering where you can find tropical rain forests! Close to the equator, where it is always warm and it rains about every day. Some of the biggest rain forests are in South America, Africa, and Asia. Tropical rain forest have many large and unusual butterflies. Hummingbirds drinks nectar from some of the flowers, while cashews grow in the bright sun. Toucans, scarlet macaws, sloths, many interesting insects, and many more creatures live in the FASCINATING tropical rain forest.


  1. This is so cool! i love your pictures!Thanks for the cool fats about the rainforest!

  2. amazing blog! i love it!!!!!!!!!!
