Sunday, January 22, 2012


Belugas usually live in the arctic seas. When it is winter and the ice gets thick on the water and the belugas can't break it and they die because they can't breath. Belugas usually have a school of a dozen belugas to swim around with. Their enemy is the killer whale, one of the fiersest animals in the sea! Fishermen fish for belugas because of their thick skin. Baby belugas are in the mom's belly for one year. When the baby comes out it is tail first. After the baby is born the mom mates again.
Length: 13 to 16 feet
Weight: 850 to 1,000 pounds
Food: small shellfish
Fascinating Fact: it has 40 teeth and no dorsal fin.

1 comment:

  1. That was a good article. i never knew that before! But what is a dorsal fin?
